Clown Entertainment in Harrisburg PA

Any party is usually a special occasion for the celebrant. Choosing entertainment for parties should be done with great care. In a party, there must friends and some relatives, therefore everything is expected to go well. Beautiful location and fantastic foods are also chosen with great care. It is expected that there should be a…

Entertainer For Your Child’s Party

3 best tips for hiring an entertainer for your child’s party Games and Crafts can really be fun activities at your child’s party, but it’s always a good thing to give your kid some extra special entertainment for celebrating the day. Children party entertainers such as clowns, cartoon mascots, and magicians can really bring the…

Why be a Clown?

When you see a clown performing at an event, did you ever think about how they got started, what makes a person decide to become a clown and where do they even begin to get the ideas to mold their character to what you end up seeing in front of you! When KC the Clown…