Over the years I would get calls inquiring about what different kinds of entertainment I provide for Christmas parties? The first questions I would ask, which are very crucial to entertainment, would be how many children are you going to have, what time frame are you looking for, are you interested in balloon art, fun games, Christmas tattoos and a very important question…what date are you interested in.

The reason the date is probably one of the most important question is that December only has about three weeks before the actual holiday of Christmas and most businesses like their parties on a Saturday or Sunday. And then addition to that fact, they usually want their party between the hours of 11am to 4pm on those Saturdays or Sundays. So you’re looking at a relatively small window to provide Christmas entertainment, especially when it seems like everyone wants the same date and time frame.

As Holly the Elf, I have had some interesting days of Christmas parties where I had to get from one party to another in only ten to fifteen minutes, and that included putting some food in my mouth! (You have to keep the energy level up to the high demand of the performance you need to give) Sometimes, on those kinds of days, I wished that when I got to the last party of the day I could go in, sit down, and say to the kids, “Hey, I brought you some games to play with…have fun with them. And by the way, does anyone else know how to do balloon art?” Ok, I said I THOUGHT about it, I would NEVER do that. lol

I personally love Christmas time. I get to wear my “Holly the Elf” costume, a change from my other costumes. People are in great moods and children are so excited cause Santa is coming soon. I know you have heard this many times before but…it truly is a magical time of year.